Kevin Owens apparently turned babyface this week on SmackDown Live. That was great timing because he was just talking about how he wants to prove it to himself that he can be successful babyface.

After beating down Dolph Ziggler and turning babyface, Owens was really excited. He yelled how SmackDown Live is his show and then the referee had to remind him to say it again to the “hard camera.” That was clearly heard on the show as it happened during an unfortunate lull in Owens’ music. After that, Kev delivered the line again looking at the proper camera.

One fan tweeted out to KO letting him know that SmackDown is his show, but it’s always important to remember to look at the hard camera. Then Owens had to reply.

We can all use a stern reminder once in a while.


It’s interesting how WWE Superstars are taught to play toward one side of the ring and on some nights there might be more people behind those Superstars than in front of them. WWE needs people on the other side of the ring to look good on camera, but due to that fact, a Superstar might not be looking at that many fans in person as they speak to millions at home through the magic of television.

It’s good to know that Kevin Owens will be able to find the right camera from now on.

Tags: Kevin Owens
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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