Shane McMahon might be the Best In The World, but he could have hurt himself at WWE Stomping Grounds.

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Shane McMahon got involved in Roman Reigns’ match against Drew McIntyre. During his interference, Shane hit a Coast To Coast on The Big Dog, but according to Brad Shepard, McMahon might have messed up his hip in the process.

A source in #WWE told me that Shane McMahon messed up his hip on the coast to coast.


Shane McMahon did continue on with the planned spots in the match. However, he’s gutted through some serious pain before.

It should also be noted that the match between Roman and Drew was also reportedly changed earlier in the day. WWE later booked Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre and Shane McMahon in handicap match for RAW tomorrow night as well. So we will just have to see how they book that match if Shane McMahon is indeed banged up too badly.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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