WWE Stomping Grounds was full of plenty of highlights that WWE could be using for a while. However, one big match was apparently changed earlier today.

If you would like our full WWE Stomping Grounds results you can click here.

Brad Shepard reports that Drew McIntyre was actually supposed to defeat Roman Reigns at Stomping Grounds. This would have happened after Shane McMahon’s distraction was successful.

Of course, Shane was not successful in distracting The Big Dog and he was sent over the top rope instead. The Claymore Kick missed and then Roman Reigns hit the spear. However, it reportedly wasn’t supposed to end that way.


I was also told that the outcome of Drew McIntyre vs. Roman Reigns was changed this morning. Drew was apparently going to pin Roman after a distraction from Shane and a Claymore Kick, but Vince changed it to Roman going over.

It’s actually a good thing that Roman Reigns ended up winning the match because he needed it. If WWE wants to keep presenting Reigns as a major player he needs to be able to win a big match.

It does present a very interesting scenario where Roman Reigns was able to defeat Drew McIntyre, however, he was unable to defeat Shane McMahon just a couple of weeks ago in Saudi Arabia at the Super Showdown event.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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