Triple H likes to have the spotlight on him as an executive and as a wrestler. He is working the next mini-tour in Japan and he has booked himself in a very interesting match as well.

Brad Shepard commented during Oh, You Didn’t Know about the fact that Triple H will be teaming with AJ Styles and The Good Brothers during the Japanese shows. Of course, Styles, Gallows, and Anderson were OG members of The Bullet Club and the Japanese fans haven’t forgotten about this at all.

The interesting part is what a source in WWE told Shepard about Triple H’s decision to insert himself in that match.

“I spoke to a source in WWE about Triple H teaming with AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, and Karl Anderson for the WWE show on June 28th in Tokyo Japan. The source described this as ‘vintage Triple H getting himself in the mix with what will be the hottest act in Japan that night — the guy can’t help himself.’


In a very interesting addition to this story which might be a total coincidence, but it’s still worth noting — Triple H appeared in his typical stone throne during hype video for this new Japanese tour. The throne he sat in looked very similar to the one Cody Rhodes destroyed at AEW Double Or Nothing.
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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