WWE has a lot of things that they are trying right now to regain interest in their product. The ratings are slipping and new competition is rising as well so there is a ticking clock right now before they’re not the only major wrestling company with a live weekly television show.

The third hour of Raw is experiencing some changes. WWE is experimenting with the lights to give grittier feel, but is it working?

While speaking to ComicBook.com, Mick Foley explained WWE’s direction for Raw’s third hour. They want to do something different that might keep fans glued to their television screens. This is the reason why it feels like they’re trying something new.

“The idea is that the third hour is going to get rougher, wilder, and more unpredictable. When I was GM, I knew that people were breaking towards the SmackDown show because it was the darling of the Internet.”


“The idea was ‘why don’t you try [having] a third hour.’ It was like a giant albatross around your neck. The third hour is really difficult. I think it’s an idea to have the third hour more unpredictable and more like the Attitude Era.”

Only time will tell if WWE was able to pull their ratings up this week. With The Undertaker making an appearance in the third hour it’s likely, but they also had awful timing issues that forced fans to log into YouTube in order to catch the last minute of his promo.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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