Ashley Massaro is sadly no longer with us after taking her life in an apparent suicide. Her legacy will not be forgotten as her pro wrestling family came together to assist her daughter Alexa as they raised lot of money to help with her education.

Massaro’s attorney Konstantine Kyros claims that Ashley never pulled out of her case. In the apology email that WWE released, Ashley allegedly claimed that she regrets being a part of the lawsuit and that she was “poached” however, Kyros has evidence that might prove otherwise.

To defend himself from the allegations that he “poached” Ashley Massaro, Kyros released the initial email that she sent him asking for his help in her case.

“I am a former WWE Diva/wrestler with multiple long term injuries. I was working for WWE from 2005-2008 and was on the road as a main event wrestler working TV’s AND house shows at least 4 days a week for my entire career.

I was thrown in the ring after winning the 2005 diva search with absolutely no training which ultimately caused many injuries. I’ve had multiple documented concussions during my career. I was treated by WWE doctors and after leaving the company I continued to see my own personal doctors for treatment. I found out about this lawsuit through others who are on it. 

I believe I am exactly who you are looking to help. I more than fit the conditions listed on your website. I’ve been plagued by these injuries my entire life after leaving the company. I believe WWE has caused major problems, life altering problems and wish more than anything that I never worked for them. 


Aside from the times I was knocked unconscious and out cold for 5 minutes, I also have a fractured spine, a 5 inch metal plate inserted in my ankle for a spiral fracture that happened at a match on PPV where on camera I was rushed out by EMTs to go to the hospital for treatment. I suffered debilitating back injuries while working for them overseas in the UK and have hospital records for that as well. Vince McMahon himself ordered a cast to be sawed off of my right hand/wrist moments before I was thrown back out into the ring to wrestle on tv even though my cast was not scheduled to come off for another 2 or 3 weeks. 

I was beat down, broken, and being almost forced to perform. Since then I see pain management doctors on a monthly basis for 10 years because of the pain and problems that came from my time there. Please feel free to call me or if you get a moment to please google my name and you can at least see some of the injuries I sustained that WWE posted on their official website. I hope to hear back from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration. – Ashley Massaro 8/23/2016 Email to Kyros Law Offices, PC

It was noted in her affidavit that she asked Stephanie McMahon for in-ring training, but it was explained to her that was impossible. She was allegedly told by Stephanie that pulling her off the road would ruin her push and cause her to lose her position with WWE if she went to OVW to learn how to wrestle.

Massaro didn’t mention the sexual assault allegations in her introductory email, but she did experience “life altering problems” due to the injures she sustained in the ring without proper training.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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