We have previously reported several things that were uncovered during Lars Sullivan’s bodybuilding message board days. A new comment has come to light which he posted under his original account that was eventually banned and with a comment like this, it’s not hard to see why the moderators decided to give Sullivan the boot.
The subject of suicide came up on the board and the trolls came out to encourage this distraught individual to take his own life. As it turns out, Disenfranchised aka Lars Sullivan was one of those people and he not only commented but seemed to plant some very disturbing ideas about how one should pull it off.

“If you do choose to kill yourself, I would suggest taking other people out with you. I’m not saying you should go on a rampage on say a college campus and try to top the azn kid from V Tech, but at least get some p*ssy before you die if you know what I’m saying.”

Some could think his wording has some kind of double meaning like reverse psychology. He suggested to “take others out with you” and then gave an example of what not to do while concluding with “if you know what I’m saying.”
This is an actual statement Lars Sullivan made and yes, it was a decade ago and the internet is a much different place now. But ten years really wasn’t all that long ago when you really think about it.
We previously reported that Sullivan might or might not get in trouble for these message board tirades, but if WWE continues with their planned push with Sullivan as monster unhinged heel, then this kind of revelation might be just what his character needs to put him over in a day and age where WWE uses so many real-life stories when building their characters on television during the Reality Era.

(Thanks to Lee Walker for contributing)

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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