Sting is a WWE Hall Of Famer and only wrestled 4 matched for WWE, but he spent a lot more time in TNA where he wrestled 159 matches over the course of 9 years. But as it turns out, he didn’t plan on staying that long at all.
As the former World Champion spoke to Apter Chat, he not only revealed that his initial intention wasn’t to stick around as long as he did, but it was TNA’s schedule that he found much more appealing. He also spoke about one of the primary reasons why TNA wanted to bring in the legend in the first place.

“Yeah I thought let’s try TNA and again, you know they kind of gave me what I wanted and obviously it’s not all about money with TNA but it was the schedule I was able to have that I could attain and they were very agreeable and I did that and the rest is history.”
“You know I planned on doing it for a year maybe or a couple of years. But you know they brought me in hopes that other bigger named guys might want to come in. That worked because quite a few of them ended up coming in. Kurt Angle was the first. You know Mick Foley was there. Hall and Nash they were there. Scotty, Flair, and Hogan were there. A lot of guys ended up coming in there and it was a lot of fun.”

It’s true that Sting was the first huge acquisition from the free agent market for TNA and soon plenty more legends were rolling through the doors. It actually took on a liking to WCW for a bit, but of course, as time went on they went away for the most part leaving only a few rare originals. But according to Sting, he had no intentions of setting roots like he ended up doing.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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