Logan Paul has emerged as one of the biggest stars in the modern-day era of the WWE landscape. Bringing his spectacular personality, massive social media following, and outsmarting antics to the table, Paul has superstar written all over him.

Moreover, in just two years and a handful of matches, Logan Paul clinched the prestigious WWE United States Championship from Rey Mysterio at WWE Crown Jewel last year, adding an incredible accolade to his resume.

Since then, Paul has managed to keep the title with questionable tactics by fans and critics alike. However, in recent sit-down interview with Cathy Kelly on WWE’s The Bump, The Maverick outlined rare achievements he claimed as the holder of the star-spangled prize.

Logan Paul stated that during his reign as the WWE United States Champion, he grossed over $1.2 Billion with his hydration brand, PRIME, that also became the official center ring sponsor for WWE. Not only that, he also revealed an interesting fact of being the only WWE superstar to kiss The Viper, Randy Orton on his forehead during one of the segments on SmackDown.


“Few thing I have done while being the United States champion that no one else has done, gross $1.2 Billion with my company and became the offical sponsor of the WWE. I also kissed Randy Orton on the forehead and then whooped his a**. Has anyone done that? [Not to my knowledge, I have to fact check that]. I’m checking the facts right now, No, the answer is No.”

The Maverick looks forward to huge opportunity at the upcoming WWE King and Queen of the Ring PLE this weekend in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Logan Paul is slated to face The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes for his Undisputed WWE Title which is expected to headline the blockbuster show in Saudi Arabia while continuing to prove his worth as the US Champion.

What are your thoughts on Logan Paul revealing rare achievements as the WWE United States Champion? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: Logan Paul
Nikunj Walia

Nikunj Walia is a versatile creative professional renowned for his out-of-the-box thinking. With a knack for innovation and adaptability, he excels across diverse niches. From content creation to event hosting, digital expertise, and Indian influencing, Nikunj aims to carve a distinctive identity for himself. His mission? Revolutionizing how wrestling content is consumed, one groundbreaking idea at a time.

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