Paul Walter Hauser is a huge name in ‘Cobra Kai’ and has already been part of professional wrestling for a while. In fact, Paul Walter Hauser has appeared on AEW television but it appears this essentially affected his relationship with WWE.

On the January 13, 2023 episode of AEW Rampage, Paul Walter Hauser, known for his Golden Globe and Emmy-winning performances, found himself in the midst of the action as he was confronted by Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Jeff Jarrett. The confrontation escalated, culminating in Jarrett smashing guitar over Hauser’s head and Hauser made it clear he wants to finish his story in AEW.

While speaking to Steve Fall of Ringside News, Paul Walter Hauser was asked if WWE reached out to him following his Emmy speech where he called out Matt Cardona. Hauser confirmed that WWE didn’t actually reach out to him at all.

Recounting his plans to attend one of WWE’s live shows, he revealed a surprising hesitation from the company’s administrative circles. Hauser believed that his appearance on AEW television, coupled with candid remarks made on AEW’s platform, raised doubts about his suitability for a WWE event. Hauser suspects that WWE might underestimate his level of fame and perceive him solely as an AEW fanboy, despite his broader appreciation for wrestling.


“Uh, no. Kind of, kind of the opposite where I was going to go visit, and I think some of their, uh, administrative folks were not sure if they wanted me to be at one of their live shows because, uh, they had seen me on AEW, and I had made a couple remarks while on the microphone at AEW about bypassing Connecticut for Jacksonville.

So I think, um, I think I don’t know what they think, but I’m guessing they don’t think I’m very famous, and they probably, uh, think I’m an AEW fanboy, which I love AEW, but I also like what WWE is doing right now. They’re in a really special, uh, place where they’ve figured out how to, um, get rid of toxic people and, um, and, and make room for new blood, as it were. So, I’m really happy for them, and, and I know people that work there, some brilliant, brilliant creative people, and, the product is looking better now than it has in a very long time.”

Paul Walter Hauser is also considering extended opportunities in AEW or TNA Wrestling. Regardless, Hauser is more than happy with his current position in professional wrestling and that’s all that matters.

Are you shocked WWE would do such a thing to Paul Walter Hauser? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Tags: WWE Featured
Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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