The decision by AEW President Tony Khan to air the footage from the All In event involving CM Punk and Jack Perry during last week’s Dynamite continues to spark speculation among fans. The incident, which resulted in Perry’s suspension and Punk’s release, has remained a point of interest within the wrestling community.

Days before the footage aired, Punk discussed the incident on The MMA Hour, shedding light on the circumstances surrounding it. The decision to broadcast this footage was made to further develop the storyline between FTR and The Young Bucks leading up to their match at Dynasty.

In an interview with Sports Illustrated, Nick and Matt Jackson addressed the decision to air the footage. Matt discussed the lingering feelings of disappointment and the need to provide “context” to the fans for their loss. He emphasized the sense of injustice felt by himself and his brother and felt that Jack Perry was made the scapegoat in the entire situation.

“Since we are wrestling FTR at Dynasty, and with it being the first time doing that since All In London, so many feelings and thoughts came rushing back,” said Matt Jackson. “Old wounds were reopened. We decided it was only fair to be transparent and honest with our fans. We needed to give them context about why we feel we came up short at All In London. Our bodies were there in the ring wrestling FTR at Wembley, but our minds were in the back with the scapegoat in the entire situation, Jack Perry. The three of us specifically were wronged that night, and I haven’t gotten over that.”


As EVPs of AEW, Nick Jackson asserted their commitment to fulfilling the task assigned by their boss, Tony Khan, for that week. He stated that he has no regrets about the decision to air the footage, highlighting their dedication to their roles within the company.

“As EVPs, we were given a task for that week by the boss and we did it to the best of our abilities,” said Nick Jackson. “Zero regret.”

As the controversy continues around the decision to air the CM Punk/Jack Perry footage on AEW Dynamite, fans eagerly await how this storyline will unfold leading up to the highly anticipated match between FTR and The Young Bucks at Dynasty. We’ll have to wait and see how Tony Khan handles the situation. Stay tuned to Ringside News for more!

What are your thoughts on the decision to air the CM Punk/Jack Perry footage on AEW Dynamite? Let us know in the comments below!

Shubham Banerjee

Shubham Banerjee is a computer science student and news correspondent. His love for technology, gadgets, and coding led him to pursue this field. Outside of academics, he enjoys photography, exploring music, and following football, although Barcelona's European performance always disappoints him.

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