One of the biggest stories in the world of professional wrestling is WWE’s new deal with Netflix where it was announced that the company’s flagship show – Monday Night RAW – will stream on the OTT giant’s platform from January 2025.

This announcement is a big deal for WWE fans who are used to watching their favorite Superstars on USA Network for several years. This deal could be a win-win situation for both WWE and Netflix as their partnership could lead to more WWE-related content.

It was also reported that this new deal means that Netflix subscribers could watch RAW without any commercials. While this deal has many people excited, CM Punk had a light-hearted reaction to it.

The Straight Edge Superstar took to his Instagram stories to post a meme with the words “Netflix and Phil” which refers the the streaming platform’s famous tagline “Netflix and Chill”.


CM Punk will be seen in action at the 2024 Royal Rumble where he will participate in the Royal Rumble match. He has already highlighted his plans of winning the Rumble and main-eventing WrestleMania.

What do you make of CM Punk’s reaction to WWE’s Netflix deal? What are your thoughts on the deal? Sound off in the comments section.

Tags: CM Punk
Sunil Joseph

Passionate pro wrestling fan. Sunil has been writing WWE content writing for over the last five years. Sunil still gets excited when he gets to tell people that he gets paid to watch pro wrestling.

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