Mercedes Mone has a few big options on the table ahead of her. She is not under an NJPW deal, and many fans are wondering if that means she is on her way to WWE once again. Booker T certainly believes that is the case.

The 2024 Royal Rumble event is going down on January 27th in Tropicana Field. Only time will tell if Sasha Banks makes her return at the show, but there are plenty of fans who expect to see her.

Booker T opened up about this on his Hall of Fame podcast. The two-time WWE Hall of Famer said that Mercedes Mone belongs in WWE, because it doesn’t feel right seeing her elsewhere.

“Whether it’s Mercedes Mone or whether it’s Sasha Banks, to me — remember when you were talking about Jade and when she was in AEW? I love Jade. I think she’s great, but Jade Cargill has WWE written all over her. What was your terminology? I feel some people just feel right in WWE, some just feel right. And when they go somewhere else, it’s cool. But it’s like, it just doesn’t feel the same. And for me, Sasha Banks, Mercedes Mone, she is money. She deserves a bag. As far as I’m concerned, as being one of the preeminent female wrestlers in the last decade. And it feels like she’s WWE-bound. I’m saying it right now.”


“I’m not a huge New Japan Pro Wrestling viewer. I’m not going to say I’m not a fan because I’ve seen stuff that I do like, and I try to check out the Wrestle Kingdoms every year around this time of year. But yeah, it seems like it’s too long. It seems like she’s been gone too long. I hope she comes back, man. Can you think about all the badass matches we can see again? And it’s not like she was gone that long ago. I mean, what has it been a year or so, a year and a half or something like that? And you never know. And the thing is, obviously there’s a new regime in town. There’s a different way of thinking in town. Maybe some of the issues that she was not too pleased with before are no longer a factor. It says it on his shirt, Hell froze over and CM Punk came back after ten years. You know what I mean? There’s a lane for Sasha Banks to stash Mercedes Mone, and I’m making a prediction. I’m calling it. She’s back in 2024. In WWE, it’s a done deal in my mind.” 

Many fans would agree with Booker T on this one. Mercedes Mone made a lot of noise on her own, but a WWE return could tell a tremendous story as well.

After making a comparison to Jade Cargill, it’s evident that Booker T believes that she belongs in WWE with Mercedes Mone. Only time will tell if fans see Sasha Banks’ return to WWE, but it would certainly be a great homecoming for The Boss.

What’s your take on Booker T’s words about Mercedes Mone? Does she belong in WWE? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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