It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the December 13, 2023 episode.

The start time for AEW Dynamite is 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

Tonight promises another exciting night of action as the Continental Classic Tournament continues on AEW Dynamite. We’ll also hear from The Golden Jets.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (12/13/2023):

  • Continental Classic Blue League: Brody King vs. Andrade El Idolo
  • The Von Erichs return to Dallas
  • Hangman Adam Page vs. Roderick Strong
  • Ruby Soho vs. Riho
  • Continental Classic Gold League: Rush vs. Jay Lethal
  • We’ll hear from The Golden Jets
  • Continental Classic Gold League: Jay White vs. Mark Briscoe
  • We’ll hear from Samoa Joe
  • Continental Classic Gold League: Swerve Strickland vs. Jon Moxley

AEW Dynamite Results (12/13/2023):

Samoa Joe’s music plays and he walks to the ring. He gets on the mic and introduces himself. Joe says he has come here to look for answers. He says he promised MJF that he would keep him safe until AEW World’s End but last week he was made a liar when MJF was attacked last week.


Joe says he saw a beer bottle busted over his head. He says that he searched for Hangman but he was missing. Hangman Adam Page’s music hits and he comes down to the ring.

Page asks him to say what he wants to his face. He says he doesn’t about the Devil. Joe says Page may not care but he has already made up his mind. Page asks him to do something about it. Roderick Strong comes out screaming Joe’s name. He says Joe is lucky they didn’t hurt him last week.

Strong asks Joe to listen to Page. He says whoever asks for a title match gets attacked. He says they never saw the goons attack him last week. He then claims that MJF is the devil. Page tries to talk to him but he shoves. Page knocks him down and Strong rolls out of the ring.

Hangman Adam Page vs. Roderick Strong

Strong attacks Page from behind. Page comes back and chops him. Strong attacks Page in the corner. Page fights back and knocks him down in the corner. Page with the fallaway slam. He then hits a shooting star on Strong.

Page chops Strong. Strong fights back and stomps Page. Strong with a backbreaker to Page. Page knocks him down with the high boot. Page hits a suplex on Strong. Strong recovers and knocks down Page. He goes to work on him.

Strong is sent the apron and Page knocks him down. Page dives onto him. He climbs the top rope but Matt Taven distracts him. Strong hits a backbreaker on the turnbuckle.

*Commercial break*

Strong goes to work on Page. Both men exchange strikes. They knock each other down. Hangman attacks Strong in the corner. Page with the Death Valley Driver. Cover! 1….2…..kick out. Page attacks Strong in the corner. Page goes for a moonsault and misses. He then hits the pop up powerbomb. Cover! 1….2….kick out.

Strong with a back suplex on Page. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Strong hits the Olympic slam. He then hits the tiger drive and transitions into the Boston crab. Page gets to the ropes.

Page hangs Strong on the top rope. Matt Taven distracts Page but he takes him out. He then hits the moonsault on them. He then hits Strong with a clothesline and follows it with the Deadeye for the win.

Winner: Hangman Adam Page

*Commercial break*

Continental Classic Blue League: Brody King vs. Andrade El Idolo

Brody King’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Andrade El Idolo’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring.

The match starts and Andrade takes down King. King knocks down Andrade and hits a senton. Both men exchange chops. Andrade with a crossbody on King. He hits a moonsault on King. King sets up Andrade on the top rope and knocks him down.

*Commercial break*

King goes to work on Andrade. King is sent into the second turnbuckle. Andrade with a dragon screw. He picks him up and does it again. He then hits a flying elbow strike. Andrade hits bodyslam on King.

Andrade with the split-legged moonsault. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Andrade goes for the double knees in the corner and misses. King hits him with a running lariat. Cover! 1….2….kick out. King with a cannonball in the corner. Cover! 1…..2….kick out.

Both men exchange strikes. Brody with a massive forearm strike but Andrade comes back with a back elbow. Andrade climbs the top rope but is stopped. Andrade hits a DDT on the top of the turnbuckle. Andrade hits the hammerlock DDT for the win.

Winner: Andrade El Idolo

Renee interviews the Von Erichs. Kevin says he loves AEW. The Best Friends walks in and he offers the Von Erichs to team up with him on Rampage and he accepts.

Kenny Omega’s music plays and he comes down to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Chris Jericho’s music hits and he comes out to the ring. Jericho says it’s been a while since they’ve been here because of Big Bill and Ricky Starks. He describes how they took them out. He asks them to come out.

Ricky Starks’ music plays and he walks out with Big Bill. Ricky says he finds this situation a little funny. He says Jericho sucks the life out of everything. He says Kenny can’t trust Jericho. Bill says Jericho has attacked Kenny in the past and he won’t be surprised if he does it again.

Omega says he doesn’t trust Jericho and reminds Bill of his track record with The Firm. He says he is used to getting beatdown. He says they are thinking about taking the titles from them at World’s End.

Ricky accepts his challenge. He reminds Jericho of January when he beat him. He says he knows Jericho well. He says they are the best tag team because they hold the titles without a name. Jericho suggests a couple of names.

Ricky makes fun of Jericho’s outfit. Jericho says all he sees is a less charismatic version of Enzo Amore. Ricky says no one cares about Jericho and he says they will take them on at World’s End because they are the best tag team in the world. Omega bids everyone adieu.

Toni Storm’s music plays and he comes down to the commentary desk.

Ruby Soho vs. Riho

Ruby Soho’s theme song plays and she walks to the ring. Riho’s music hits and he comes out to the ring.

The match begins and Soho attacks Riho in the corner. Soho slams Riho. Riho comes back with a dropkick. She attacks her in the corner and follows it with a suplex. Cover! 1…..2…kick out. Riho hits her with a double stomp. Soho rolls out of the ring. Riho climbs the top rope but is stopped. Riho stomps her again.

*Commercial break*

Riho with a head scissors. She hits the tiger feint kick and follows it with a crossbody. Cover! 1….2….kick out. She then hits a suplex. Cover! 1…..2…kick out. Riho hits the crucifix bomb. She then climbs the top rope goes for a dive and misses. Soho hits the no future. Cover! 1….2…kick out.

Soho locks in the guillotine but Riho hits the Northern Lights suplex and follows it with the dragon suplex. She then hits a meteora on Soho for the win.

Winner: Riho

Continental Classic Gold League: Rush vs. Jay Lethal

Rush’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring.

*Commercial break*

Jay Lethal’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring.

The match starts and Rush knocks down Jay. He attacks Lethal in the corner but he comes back and attacks Rush with a dropkick. Rush hits a German suplex and follows it with a dropkick.

Lethal rolls out of the ring and Rush attacks him. He slams his face onto the desktop table. Rush attacks Jay in the corner. Rush kicks Lethal in the face. He follows it with a powerslam. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Lethal hits the Lethal combination.

He then goes for figure four leg lock but Rush counters it. Lethal comes back with an enzuigiri. Rush throws Jay into the turnbuckle. He goes for the BUll’s horns but Lethal superkicks him. Lethal goes for Lethal injection but Rush locks in the sleeper hold and Lethal taps out.

Winner: Rush

Continental Classic Gold League: Jay White vs. Mark Briscoe

Bullet Club Gold’s music plays and Jay White walks to the ring. Mark Briscoe’s music hits and he comes out to the ring.

The match starts and Mark attacks Jay. Mark hits the Death Valley driver and follows it with Froggie bow. White rolls out of the ring. Briscoe goes after him and attacks him. He sends him into the ring.

Jay sends Briscoe out of the ring. He sends him into the barricade and sends Mark into the ring. Jay with a DDT on Briscoe.

*Commercial break*

White attacks Jay in the corner. But Jay comes back with a lariat. Briscoe with vicious chops. He the knocks down White. He knocks White out of the ring. Briscoe hits an elbow drop off the apron.

He sends White into the ring. Cover! 1….2…kick out. Briscoe sets up Jay White in the corner. Briscoe hits him in the back of the head and follows it with the Razor’s edge. Cover! 1….2….kick out. He goes for the Jay Driller but White hits him with the dragon screw.

White hits the sleeper suplex. He does it again. Briscoe plants White on his head. He climbs the top rope and goes for the Froggie bow but he gets his knees up. White hits the bladerunner for the win.

Winner: Jay White

*Commercial break*

Continental Classic Gold League: Swerve Strickland vs. Jon Moxley

Swerve Strickland’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Jon Moxley’s music plays and he walks to the ring.

The match begins and Swerve and Moxley brawl on the mat. Swerve sends Moxley out of the ring. Both men exchange strikes. Moxley attacks Swerve in the corner. Swerve comes back with a jumping DDT. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Moxley rolls out of the ring and Swerve goes after him. He sends Moxley into the post and then sends him into the ring.

Moxley attacks Swerve in the corner and hits a piledriver. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Moxley is sent outside. Swerve goes for a dive but gets caught in the apron skirt. Moxley sends him into the steel steps.

*Commercial break*

Moxley with a clothesline. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. Swerve comes back with a backbreaker. He knocks down Moxley and then attacks him in the corner. Swerve attacks him in the corner but Moxley comes back with a cutter.

Moxley hits the Gotch-style piledriver. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. Both men exchange strikes. Swerve recovers and hits the flatliner. He then hits a suplex but Moxley gets up and Swerve hits a high boot. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out.

Swerve with the anvil elbows but Moxley counters it. Swerve hits the House call. He climbs the top rope but Moxley shoves him off. Swerve gets back in the ring but Moxley hits the stomp. Cover! 1….2….kick out.

Moxley locks in the armbar. Swerve gets out of it. Moxley goes to grab a chair but Swerve dives on him. He then hits a Swerve stomp on Moxley. He sends him into the ring and hits a Swerve stomp on Moxley. Cover! 1….2…..kick out. Swerve goes for the JML Driver but Moxley rolls him up for the win.

Winner: Jon Moxley

Hangman Page is attacked by masked men in the parking lot. The Devil gets out of the car. The masked men slam Page on the car glass.

This ends our live coverage of AEW Dynamite!

Sunil Joseph

Passionate pro wrestling fan. Sunil has been writing WWE content writing for over the last five years. Sunil still gets excited when he gets to tell people that he gets paid to watch pro wrestling.

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