WWE fans were shocked by CM Punk’s return to the company during the closing moments of Survivor Series this year. Punk has a lot of history with many members of the WWE roster, but he also spent an amount of time in AEW, a company that Cody Rhodes knows very well.

CM Punk’s name is attached with controversy, and some WWE talents were actually upset about his return to the company. It does not appear that Cody Rhodes is one of the Superstars who is irritated by CM Punk’s return to WWE.

During the press conference after Survivor Series, Cody Rhodes was asked about CM Punk’s return to WWE. He gave a short response, but the American Nightmare also indicated that he has the feeling CM Punk is “hungry” and he “wants it.” He also gave kudos to Triple H and Nick Khan for making that deal become a reality.

“I don’t want to be short with my response, but it truly is this. If he can help with where we’re going and what we’re doing, absolutely. Welcome aboard. I have a feeling that the CM Punk that potentially we’re getting is hungry, and that’s the best. That’s the best. When someone is hungry and someone wants it. That’s when it’s real. I’ll give kudos and flowers to Triple H and Nick Khan for getting that done. You can ask all the boys and girls until they are blue in the face, ‘How do you feel?’ You might get up, you might get down, you might have a wide range of emotions, but the first thing, always, is business. We’re doing record business. It feels like everybody wants to be here. The more the merrier. If you can help, absolutely, come on board.”


It was later reported that Seth Rollins flipping CM Punk off after Survivor Series was all part of work. That being said, there are plenty of angles that Punk can get into now, and Cody Rhodes seems to be here for it.

CM Punk’s return to WWE will undoubtably bring a lot of commentary. AEW fans are also bound to express themselves in their own way about the situation. This is a very interesting time as WWE exits 2023, because they have a big roster member on board that nobody saw coming.

Keep checking back with us here at Ringside News for more on CM Punk, and everything dealing with his return to WWE. You never know what will break next, but we will be here with all the headlines you need.

What’s your opinion on WWE bringing CM Punk back? Did they make the right call? Would you welcome Punk back into your locker room? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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