2-time WWE Hall Of Famer Ric Flair has accomplished a lot during his career, but he remains a highly controversial figure no matter what. Now it appears he revealed that he wrestled with torn shoulders for a whole year.

The Nature Boy has gone through a lot of wear and tear in his career which has spanned several decades. Even then, many fans applaud Flair for always doing what’s best for the business.

While speaking to Everyone Talks to Liz Clamon, Ric Flair revealed that he worked an entire year with both shoulders torn, but only had separate surgeries for them when the pain became unbearable.

“You just went through it,” Flair said when asked how he wrestled with injuries. “I worked with a torn rotator cuff for over a year. Actually, I tore both [shoulders]. Finally, I got to the point where I couldn’t take the pain anymore. Then, I had one [shoulder] operated on and waited four years later to have the other [shoulder] operated on.” When asked if Flair sustained the injuries by lifting wrestlers over his head, “The Nature Boy” detailed the two spots that led to his shoulders getting hurt. “One of them was [when] Randy Savage jumped off a top rope, and by accident, hit my rotator cuff. The other one was … I can’t remember … it was nobody’s fault, it was just wear and tear.”


Ric Flair wrestled his final match at the event titled Ric Flair’s Last Match on July 31, 2022, in Nashville. After that, he has been enjoying his life the way he wants to and even has a fitness goal in mind for his next birthday. We’ll have to see what’s next in store for The Nature Boy.

What are your views on what Ric Flair said? Do you have more respect for The Nature Boy after this revelation? Let us know in the comments!

Tags: Ric Flair
Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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