Carlito returned to WWE at Backlash, but that was just a big moment in Puerto Rico for now. That one-off appearance might amount to more, but it’s seemingly been a bit of a slow process.

It was later reported that Carlito’s WWE return is coming. That being said, fans are still waiting for that to go down.

There were rumors that WWE was bringing Carlito back at SmackDown in Madison Square Garden, but Ringside News exclusively reported to squash that notion. That return did not happen, but some fans are still expecting his comeback.

Ringside News reached out to inquire about Carlito’s current status. We were told by a tenured member of the team that Carlito has “been mostly down in Orlando working with character vignettes.”


We were told that Carlito has been working out of the Performance Center on character vignettes. At this time, there isn’t a lot known about his current status, because “no one really talks about him.”

Carlito looked to be in great shape at WWE Backlash, and he’s been getting his ring-time in. Only time will tell if a WWE return is in the pipeline, but it seems that they are working on things.

Do you want to see Carlito return to WWE? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you think!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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