WWE went through a lot of changes over the past few months, and that isn’t likely to stop any time soon. With so much going on with the company’s corporate dealings, the prospect of bringing in new talent hasn’t been the company’s first priority, and that jumpstarted the rumor mill.

Ringside News reached out once again to confirm that WWE is not in a hiring freeze. It was reported that several wrestlers have been told by the company that they are not hiring anyone at this time, however, a tenured member of the WWE creative team informed us that the company is actually talking to several wrestlers right now.

I don’t know what excuse indy wrestlers have been told. If we want someone, we are signing them. We’re talking with a half dozen people right now!

A report came out which said WWE currently has hiring freeze in place. That is very interesting, especially considering the fact that WWE and UFC are merging into one company. After all, a company sale is a great reason to keep costs down.


Names like Jay White, AOP, and Naomi were all floated out as examples of people WWE passed on hiring this year. A hiring freeze was reportedly the cause of WWE not inking deals with all the talent mentioned.

Ringside News already exclusively reported on WWE’s alleged hiring freeze, and why the company passed on binging in so many top wrestlers. We were told that WWE passed for different reasons on all of those stars. It was also made very clear to us that, “a hiring freeze is not in effect.”

WWE is preparing for another draft and a hard brand split to follow. Ringside News also exclusively updated you on the company’s current progress when it comes to split brand pay-per-views. Only time will tell what’s in WWE’s future, but they haven’t stopped negotiating with talent or signing them.

What’s your take on WWE’s current roster? Do you think they have enough talent as it is? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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