Goldberg’s name is drawing a lot of attention nowadays as a free agent looking to compete in his final match. Although he hasn’t booked that retirement match yet, it is obviously something he is looking for. If WWE won’t book the match, then he might just do it himself.

We previously reported that Goldberg is not happy about the status of his retirement match. He is not very happy that WWE isn’t giving him that match that he wants so much.

Vince McMahon and I had a handshake understanding that, you know, after the Roman Reigns match I would have a proper retirement match. And, you know, that hasn’t come to fruition through them. So, therefore… You know, nobody puts a stamp on my career. Nobody tells me when I’m done, period. When somebody tells me that, you know, I kinda like to fight against it. I like to do things my own way and I go out my own way. And I certainly don’t go out, you know, under Roman Reigns, you know, three weeks after I’ve had Covid and agreed to a match.

Goldberg’s final WWE match so far was against Roman Reigns. He didn’t have any more matches on his deal at that point, which is where we find ourselves today. That being said, there aren’t any plans for Goldberg to get that match in WWE either.


Ringside News reached out to confirm this story about Goldberg and WWE. A tenured member of the creative team informed us that, “there is no discussion about Goldberg at all.”

Some fans would love to see Goldberg make a WWE return, if even for one match. At this point, “no one [in WWE] talks about Goldberg” in a creative sense.

We’ll have to see what Goldberg does next. He seems very set on having that final match. Only time will tell who books it.

What’s your take on Goldberg having a retirement match? Should WWE book it for him? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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