Vince McMahon is the Chairman of WWE’s Board of Directors once again. Stephanie McMahon resigned and will continue her leave away from WWE. Now that she is no longer co-CEO, the company has a new, lone Chief Executive Officer.

Nick Khan will take over as CEO of WWE going forward, no longer sharing the title with Stephanie McMahon. The two were appointed as co-CEOs when Vince McMahon “retired” due to a hush money scandal.

This is a very interesting development, especially considering how Vince McMahon openly said he is returning to WWE in order to usher in a sale. There are real potential buyers, and Nick Khan could be a huge help in that regard.

Conrad Thompson recently stated that Vince McMahon and Nick Khan have a real in place to sell the world’s largest pro wrestling company. This will allegedly see Khan rake in a huge payday in the process.


“I’ve been saying on this program for a while that WWE was going to sell. Do you know why I said that? Because I knew. You know how I knew? Remember when Nick Khan first joined WWE? Well he joined, and he was, of course, an agent. You’ve heard of like UTA and CAA and WME, all these big Hollywood agencies. He was a guy who was helping to negotiate contracts and make deals and things like that. I happened to have some friends who needed representation like that. We’ll say that.”

“My friend was represented by the same company that Nick Khan was sort of running, and when my friend sees that the guy who runs this big agency is now going to WWE, he thought, ‘What the f**k? This doesn’t make any sense.’ So he called his contact and said, ‘Dude, what’s up with Nick going, blah, blah, blah.’ He said, and this is years ago now, ‘Yea. He’s got a deal with Vince where in his contract, he gets a big payday when he helps facilitate the sale.’ He told me the number, and I won’t say the number because that’s talking about somebody’s money and that’s not cool, but let’s just say this, it’s more than AEW’s TV contract is for a year. It’s a lot. It’s a lot, a lot. So when you hear it’s a lot, a lot, you think, ‘Well why would this guy go here?’, Ah ha, and now, Ta Da. I’ve heard backchanneling before Mean Gene passed away, he said, ‘Well, I heard from’, and I won’t say who he heard it from, ‘When the stock gets to so and so,’ This has been brewing for a while. I know a lot of wrestling fans have been thinking, ‘Well this is just a brand new development.’ It’s years old.”

This is not the first time that a sale has been discussed, but it looks like things are getting very real. The company has been in a lot of interesting situations to make serious money, and those deals could carry on to a new owner. Now Nick Khan will carry on as the company’s only CEO with Vince McMahon as Chairman of the Board of Directors once again.

What’s your take on this situation with WWE? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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