WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff is such big name in the pro wrestling world that it is hard to find anyone who doesn’t know who he is. That being said, Easy E is a respected member of the business and his opinion matters even now. During his time in WCW, Bischoff worked extensively with Ric Flair. As fans are aware by now, Bischoff and Ric Flair have been engaged in online beef. Amidst their feud, Eric Bischoff recently made a very interesting claim concerning Ric Flair.

Ric Flair previously addressed the animosity between himself and Hulk Hogan. The Nature Boy simply revealed that he has no animosity with The WWE Hall of Famer. He then proceeded to slam Eric Bischoff for being an arrogant prick.

Right after that, Flair finally revealed why he has beef with Eric Bischoff in the first place and this led to Bischoff calling Flair whiny baby and then some. Bischoff even wants to meet Flair face-to-face to settle their differences.

While speaking on Insight with Chris Van Vliet, Eric Bischoff talked about his current beef with Ric Flair. While doing so, Bischoff claimed that Ric Flair once punched him numerous times for sitting on a chair backstage in WWE. This incident took place back in 2003 on Monday Night RAW.


“I don’t know what year it was. I had been in WWE for a couple of years. While I was in WWE, the week before the incident I am about to tell you, I showed up to Monday Night Raw, we do TV and Ric is there and Arn Anderson is there. We go out for a beer after the show. Ric says ‘Eric, come on, we will go to the hotel bar, join us.’ So boom, went out to the bar and had a great time, just like old times, right? The following week, I showed up to Monday Night Raw and am sitting in what they call the TV office.

It was like a prop office in case they needed it, but I always used it for a dressing room because nobody else used it. I had the whole place to myself with a couch and a chair. So I’m in there and I am talking to my wife on the phone, it was my wife and my real estate attorney. We were closing on a piece of property. So I am on a 3-way conference call with my attorney and my wife. I am sitting in a chair. Ric comes walking into the TV office. Arn is behind him and Jonathon Coachman is behind him.

I’m talking on the phone, ok cool, it wasn’t my office, it was everybody’s office. I just happened to use it. While I am on the phone, Ric comes over and he just starts yelling and screaming at me, ‘You MF-er! You get up out of your chair.’ I’m talking on the phone, and he just starts firing shots at me, he’s throwing punches at me, connected with me 3 times while I’m on the phone. Here’s the deal. Ric Flair has been throwing working punches for so long, I don’t think he knows how to throw a real punch. I’m not saying that to be funny, or try to be a tough guy, because I’m not.

But he hit me 3 times and I still had the phone in my hand. For a minute I thought, ‘Is this a work? Is there a camera? Am I in a scene that nobody told me about?’ Then his lip started bleeding after he hit me for the third time. He was so mad that he bit his own lip and started bleeding all over himself, and I wouldn’t fight him.”

Even Kurt Angle believes Ric Flair and Eric Bischoff should end their beef now. Ric Flair wants to know why Eric Bischoff made an example of him. Regardless, their feud is unlikely to end anytime soon.


What’s your take on what Eric Bischoff said? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: Ric Flair
Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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