WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff is one of the most established veterans in the pro wrestling world. Due to his time in WCW, Bischoff gained lot of infamy, particularly because of his actions during the Monday Night Wars. Be that as it may, Bischoff remains very relevant in the business and his opinion carries weight even now. During his time in WCW, Bischoff worked extensively with Ric Flair. For a while now, Bischoff and Ric Flair have been engaged in online beef. Now it seems Bischoff wants to meet up with Flair in real life and bury the hatchet.

Ric Flair recently addressed the animosity between himself and Hulk Hogan. Flair made it clear that he has no animosity with The WWE Hall of Famer. He then proceeded to blast Eric Bischoff for being an arrogant prick.

Afterwards, Flair finally revealed why he has beef with Eric Bischoff in the first place and this led to Bischoff calling Flair whiny baby, among other things. While speaking on the latest episode of his 83 Weeks Podcast, Bischoff talked about his fallout with The Nature Boy. Bischoff made it clear that he wants to meet up with Flair face to face and have a proper conversation.

“I’d see Ric at different conventions, you know, we get together if we’re at the same hotel room. I’d get a text from Ric, ‘Hey, come on down. See you at the bar’, you know, and that was like six months ago. Then all of a sudden, bam, I get blindsided with that. I don’t know what it was. I have my suspicions. I’ve had other people suggest what it might be, whatever. I went into that kind of, well, it’s just Ric being Ric kind of thing, and he just kept on, and on, and on, and then I responded.”


“I did an interview with Chris Van Vliet in Las Vegas Thursday. Chris asked me about it. The podcast will probably be up on YouTube here shortly. I said, ‘Chris, I’m done.’ You know, I have love for Ric, true affection. I don’t know why, personally, but you know, there’s probably a lot of us that have affection for Ric that don’t know why, but it is what it is, and I have a lot of respect for Ric. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to fire back, especially publicly, if somebody’s going to start taking shots at me from the sidelines. For better or worse, it’s kind of my nature to fight back, right, but I’m done. I’m just done. I have too much affection for Ric and too much respect for Ric. If Ric wants to sit down face to face, take a swing at me, I don’t care. I’ll still have affection for Ric, but if he wants to sit face to face, just kind of talk this thing through and figure out where it’s all coming from and why.”

“Look, if I owe Ric an apology for something I said that set him off, I’m happy to do that. But I’m not, you know, I just don’t want to participate on the whole social media thing. I just don’t think it’s healthy. Again, because of the respect I have for Ric, I don’t want to do it. So I’m not doing it. I’m not gonna fire. He could say whatever he wants to about me publicly. He can post whatever he wants on his social media. I’m just not going to engage. Again, face to face, different conversation, but this social media crap, you know, I’m not doing it.” 

Ric Flair even previously said that Eric Bischoff has no friends at all. We will have to wait and see whether Flair and Easy E will manage to mend fences and be on good terms once again.

What’s your take on what Eric Bischoff said? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: Ric Flair
Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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