WWE’s roster is going through a real transition as their internal leadership also changed. Triple H is stacking his own rosters now, and that included bringing back several people already who were released over the past couple of years. We can confirm that Chelsea Green is on her way back to WWE, and her husband might not be too far behind her.

Ringside News was told by a tenured member of the creative team that, “Matt Cardona is like anyone else out there. If they are talented, they are on the radar.” The big question is if WWE and Cardona can work something out.

Matt Cardona hasn’t been shy about discussing a possible WWE return. That being said, the Broski made it clear that he has no interest in returning as Zack Ryder. While speaking to NotSam Wrestling, Cardona opened up about the idea of making a WWE return, and one condition he has.

“I would have a conversation. I’m not saying we haven’t already. Who’s to say who’s to say? I think Zack Ryder is dead. Would it be cool? A woo woo, would that get a bigger pop maybe for one night as opposed to ‘Alwayz ready’? Maybe, because that’s more familiar with the WWE Universe and audience. But if I were to go back, I think it has to be as Matt Cardona. If I say like, you know, Razor Ramon came back as Scott Hall.”


Matt Cardona openly declared that “Zack Ryder is dead,” and he also denied his identity to an Uber driver in recent memory. Only time will tell if even more Uber drivers recognize him as Matt Cardona after a possible WWE return.

What’s your take on Matt Cardona’s possible return to WWE? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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