It’s Wednesday and you know what that means. AEW Dynamite will go down tonight and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage.

Start time for AEW Dynamite is at 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. The card for tonight is as follows:

  • AEW World Championship Eliminator: Jon Moxley vs. Juice Robinson
  • ROH World Championship: Chris Jericho vs. Bandido
  • AEW Interim Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm vs. Serena Deeb
  • We Hear From Saraya
  • MJF Will Appear Live
  • Jericho Appreciation Society Championship Celebration

Excalibur welcomes us to the show as we are kicking off with a Jericho celebration. The JAS all come out wearing purple velvet suits. Parker calls Philadelphia the city of losers. Tonight, we celebrate the Ocho. Manard introduces Luigi Primo, he made a New York pizza. No pizza for anybody. “We Want Pizza” chants.

Anna Jay introduces Jericho. Jericho says he is the most important ROH Champion in history. He is the most honourable man in AEW. Nobody knew about ROH until him, this is the era of Ring Of Jericho. Tonight, he faces Bandido. Sports Entertainers beat Pro Wrestlers every time.


Jericho introduces Daniel Garcia. Jericho says he is an amazing pro wrestler and sports entertainer then gives him a gift. It is a bucket hat… Garcia takes off the hat and throws it down, then hits Luigi Primo. Garcia says he has had enough, Jericho cuts him off and tells him to think about this. Jericho asks if he is a sports entertainer or a pro wrestler?

“You’re A Wrestler” chants… Bryan Danielson’s music hits. Danielson says Jericho is trying to tell Garcia what he should do. Danielson says he respects Garcia, then offers him a spot in the Blackpool Combat Club! Jericho tells him to shut his mouth. Garcia belongs to Jericho, Garcia cuts him off. Garcia says he doesn’t belong to Jericho.

Garcia throws a pizza on the ground, should he throw pizza dough, would that be entertaining? Would it be entertaining to be in a tag team with Danielson? “Yes” chants. Would it be entertaining is he and Danielson team against Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho? Manard says he should knock out Danielson right now. Danielson says he can have a match right now with anybody who wants to fight him. Daddy Magic vs. Bryan Danielson, right now.

Bryan Danielson vs. Matt Manard

Manard pushes Danielson. Danielson’s music plays, production error. Danielson with uppercuts, Manard with kicks, strikes in the corner. Danielson with chops, shoulder tackle, arm drag, into joint manipulation. Manard with forearms, chops to little effect. Danielson with uppercuts, a boot, Manard pushes him off the top rope to the outside.

Picture in Picture.

Manard with clotheslines, cover, 2 count. Manard with strikes, Danielson no sells. Danielson with chops, kicks in the corner, clothesline. Danielson with running boots in the corner, kicks to the chest, Parker pulls Manard out of the ring. Danielson hits a baseball slide, Danielson goes for a diving knee but misses. Manard throws him into the ringpost. Parker hits a DDT on the outside.

Manard hits a Powerbomb, cover, 2 count. Claudio Castagnoli runs down and chases Parker away then hits a huge uppercut. Castagnoli picks Parker up and carries him to the back. Danielson hits the Busaiku Knee, then locks in the LeBell Lock, Manard taps.

WINNER: Bryan Danielson!

Video package for Jon Moxley vs Juice Robinson.

Commercial Break.

Wheeler Yuta heads to the ring and calls out MJF. He says actions should have consequences and he should fight him. MJF likes to hide. Once the bell rings, he can’t hang with me. MJF enters… he says Philly is the place to live if you can’t afford to live in New York. He calls Tony Schiavone a fat old prick. MJF says Yuta is no coward.

MJF says Yuta is one of the best wrestlers in the world. Last week daddy had to spank him and has to balls to take time away from AEW’s biggest draw. At 26 he doesn’t have to care, he makes more money than everybody. Yuta says he doesn’t care, if MJF doesn’t come into this ring he will leave MJF in a pool of blood on Broad Street. Bad things happen in Philly and tonight is no exception.

Yuta goes to confront MJF but Gunn Club come out to back MJF up. MJF refuses the match tonight but will see him next week. He will go to the sky box and watch Moxley and may cash in his chip. MJF lets Gunn Club do his catchphrase.

Commercial Break.

Video package for Darby Allin vs. Jay Lethal.

Juice Robinson makes his entrance. Jon Moxley makes his entrance through the crowd. Robinson attacks as Moxley enters ringside, throwing Moxley into the barricade. Robinson with a headbutt then throws Moxley into the ring.

AEW World Championship Eliminator: Jon Moxley vs. Juice Robinson

Moxley lariats Robinson out of the ring, then throws Robinson into the barricade. Moxley with a suplex on the outside, MJF is watching from the sky box. Moxley throws Robinson over the timekeeper’s table.

Strikes back and forth, Robinson with jabs, Moxley with a kick, forearms, Robinson bites Moxley. Robinson with a lariat in the corner, Moxley lariats out of the corner, goes for the Death Rider but Robinson pushes them both out of the ring. Robinson with a senton into the barricade.

Picture in Picture.

Robinson with headbutts into Moxley’s open wound. Robinson goes for a senton off the apron, but Moxley moves and Robinson crashes through a chair. Moxley with a Tope Suicida. Both men attempt lariats, Moxley hits a Cutter, cover, 2 count. Moxley gets an Ankle Lock, Robinson gets to the ropes.

Robinson with a Powerbomb, cover, 2 count. Robinson avoids a Death Rider and hits Pulp Fiction, cover, 2 count. Moxley hits the Regal Knee, then the stomps, into a Cross Armbreaker, Robinson taps out!

WINNER: Jon Moxley!

As Moxley celebrates, Hangman Page makes his entrance. Page faces down Moxley. “Cowboy Shit” chants. They square up, MJF gets a mic and tells them to settle down. They are both fighting to lose, because he can just cash in his chip. He is a generational talent… Wheeler Yuta appears behind MJF then attacks him. Yuta attacks MJF in the sky box and throws him into the crowd. Security tries to hold Yuta back.

Video package for Jericho vs. Bandido.

Commercial Break.

Recap of Saraya’s debut.

Justin Roberts introduces Saraya! Saraya says she has chills, she’s back! Its feels fantastic to be back in the ring, she is damaged but not broken. She will create change in this division. She is the revolution. “This is your house” chants. She says she is nervous, AEW is officially her house. Saraya brings out a number of female stars, led by Toni Storm.

Saraya promises she will make a change, she introduces Toni Storm. Storm is finally being utilised to her full potential, a fighting champion, the best champion AEW has seen, and she is honoured to be in the ring with her.

Britt Baker makes her entrance, says Saraya is just a catchphrase unlike her. Baker says she is the face of this division, she has put her neck on the line and unlike Saraya her neck is strong enough to take it. Half of the people don’t even know how to says Saraya.

Saraya says Baker’s names rhymes with “Shit.” Baker says she respects Storm, everybody knows the AEW title is hers, “Jamie Hayter” chants. Baker introduces Serena Deeb. Saraya says it’s nice to have a boss that listens to her, and this match with now be a lumberjack match. Saraya gets in Baker’s face, then joins commentary.

AEW Interim Women’s World Championship – Lumberjack Match: Toni Storm vs. Serena Deeb

Deeb with an armbar, Storm reverses, Deeb with a headlock, shoulder tackle back and forth. The lumberjacks throw Deeb back in the ring. Deeb with chops in the corner. Storm with strikes, Deeb with a crossbody, cover, 2 count. Deeb throws Storm out of the ring and the heels beat her down. The lumberjacks face off.

Picture in Picture.

Storm with a dropkick, crossbody, cover, 2 count. Storm with a German, Deeb with a rollup, 2 count. Deeb with a surfboard submission. cover, 2 count. Deeb gets a neck crank, Storm with a headbutt, Hayter trips Storm, the lumberjacks brawl on the outside. Deeb gets the Serenity Lock, Storm gets to the ropes. Storm with a crossbody, Deeb rolls through into a Boston Crab, Storm kicks her way out. Storm with a Hip attack, Deeb gets a jack knife cover, Storm escapes and hits Storm Zero, cover, 2 count!

Deeb with a Dragonscrew, Storm htis an Avalanche Piledriver, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” AEW Interim Women’s World Champion, Toni Storm!

Tony Schiavone is with The Acclaimed backstage, next week will be national scissoring day. Keith Lee interrupts and says Billy Gunn cost them the titles last week. Gunns says he has two words for him… “Scissor Me!”

Commercial Break.

Andrade and Private Party are arguing with Butcher and Blade backstage. Jose says Andrade is Private Party’s boss. Matt Hardy walks in and says they are connected. Andrade is bad for them, and Hardy can put them back on track.

Ricky Starks makes his entrance. Eli Isam is already in the ring.

Ricky Starks vs. Eli Isam

Lock up, Starks gets a headlock, Starks hits a Spear, then Roshambo, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Ricky Starks!

Video package for the Jungle Boy and Christain Cage rivalry.

Bandido makes his entrance. Chris Jericho is out next.

ROH World Championship: Chris Jericho vs. Bandido

Jericho offers a handshake, then makes fun of it. Bandido with a right hand, Jericho with a clothesline, stomps, chops in the corner. Bandido hits a Tope Suicida. Another Tope Suicida.

Picture in Picture.

Bandido with a one hand gorilla press, cover, 2 count. Bandido with a trust kick, a delayed one handed vertical suplex. He held him up for over a minute! Bandido with a Frog Splash, cover, 2 count. Jericho with a flapjack, chops in the corner, a lariat. Bandido with a front suplex off the top, Jericho hits the Codebreaker, cover, 2 count.

Jericho with a right hand on the apron, Bandido hits a hurricanrana to the outside.

Picture in Picture.

Jericho with chops, Bandido with strikes, Jericho with a forearm. Bandido with a sunset flip powerbomb, cover, 2 count. Jericho hits the Lionsault, cover, 2 count. Jericho with knees to the face, Crucifix Bomb, cover, 2 count.

Jericho blocks a knee and locks in the Walls of Jericho, Bandido gets to the ropes. Jericho with a suplex over the ropes, Bandido with a rising boot, Bandido hits a Moonsault Fall Away Slam off the top rope, cover, 2 count.

Bandido hits the xKnee, then the 21plex, cover, 2 count. Jericho pokes Bandido in the eye, pulls his mask down, cover, 2 count, Jericho with a boot, sweeps the leg then locks in the Liontamer, Bandido taps out.

WINNER: “And Still” ROH World Champion, Chris Jericho!

Jerciho says he will desecrate everything ROH was, he challenges Bryan Danielson to a match. Jericho says he will destroy every ROH Champion, announcer, and ring announcer, then he hits the ROH ring announcer with the Judas Elbow as Dynamite goes off the air!

Martin Dickinson

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