Matt Cardona won a brutal death match against Nick Gage, but The King won’t get another chance at The Broski with pizza cutter. The former Zack Ryder was able to lose the GCW World Title without going through another blood bath, and he is keeping it that way.

Cardona and Nick Gage made headlines after that death match. The GCW crowd was livid and pelted the ring with anything they could, even pizza cutters. Cardona made it out of that death match situation with his life and he’s not risking it again.

When asked by one fan when he will get in another light tube filled brawl, Matt Cardona replied very succinctly:

I have retired from Death Match Wrestling


Matt Cardona was a heat magnet as GCW World Champion, and he didn’t let up on the heat. After introducing a spinner belt situation, he lost that title to Jon Moxley before AEW All Out. Moxley didn’t wear that title for his All Out bout, but he was rocking a GCW hoodie, something that would NEVER fly in WWE.

We’ll have to see what’s next for Mat Cardona, but he won’t be booking any more death matches. That might be the best thing for him at this stage in his career. At least he can say he was the Death Match King, if only for a moment.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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