This was a tough day for a lot of people in the pro wrestling community. The tragic passing of Daffney hit the pro wrestling world in huge way, and it was a reminder of how seriously mental health should be taken. WWE offered help to their Superstars, but Ryback had something to say about that.

Sean Sapp tweeted out about WWE sending Superstars a text message offering free mental health services. Karl Anderson saw this tweet and replied to say: “They suck bro.”

A screenshot of that short discourse was taken by another account called “Wrestling Positivity” and the account shared it with a caption saying: “Not cool.” Then Ryback noticed that tweet and he chimed in with anger and furious vengeance.

They also haven’t called me once after breaking my back and shoulder. Hundreds of thousands in medical costs along with legal fees. Sean is a f*cking c*nt mark. The truth always wins out, f*ck all these guys. Oh and suppressing my social media and putting out countless lies. GTFO


Ryback later deleted that tweet, but you can check it out in the screenshot below. WWE does help some of their Superstars out, and people like Jake Atlas credit their efforts in saving his life. Still, a load of former WWE Superstars can also tell all about how the company let them down.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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