John Cena is active on social media, but he uses each platform in a different way. He will log onto Twitter and drop a life lesson or inspirational quote, but Instagram is a totally different story. He doesn’t even include a caption to explain his logic on Instagram, and that’s not going to change.

During a Q&A with Esquire, Cena was asked about his mysterious Instagram account. He confirmed that those posts are from him and they have meaning, but he’s not going to share it. Instead, he wants the audience to figure things out for themselves.

“My Instagram account are images posted without any explanation for interpretation of the audience. Please, don’t get me wrong there is a method and value to everything I post to Instagram, but if I tell you it ruins what I do. There is meaning for me, and if you got meaning from it, too, that’s cool, that’s great, but it’s not for me to explain. We’re trying to curate a different experience. Try to figure it out.”

John Cena has yet to add a caption to any of his Instagram posts and it’s very likely that he will continue letting fans guess what he means for now on. If anything, it sure gives pro wrestling fans something else to debate about.


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Transcription by Ringside News

Tags: John Cena
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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