Karrion Kross lost the NXT Title at TakeOver: 36, and then Vince McMahon changed up his look in huge way. Fans noticed his new attire and the jokes were aplenty.

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Kross did not get Scarlett by his side tonight on RAW, but he did get new entrance attire. That gladiator outfit was interesting, to say the least. It didn’t take long for the Internet Wrestling Community to chime in.

Twitter featured the “Karrion Kross” trend on their sidebar with the following description: “Wrestling fans discuss Karrion Kross’ getup as he faces Ricochet on WWE Raw.” They were doing a lot more than just discussing it.


Popular pro wrestling YouTuber, and friend of Ringside News, JD From NY tweeted out to say, “Ohhhhhh Jesus…is he Vince’s now. What in the f*ck do they have Karrion Kross wearing?” Yeah, that’s exactly what happened.

We’ll have to see what’s next for Karrion Kross, but at least he won his match against Ricochet in definitive fashion. You can check out a variety of tweets below.

What’s your take on this story? Sound of in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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