WWE brought SummerSlam to Allegiant Stadium and they kicked the event off with a bang. Matt Riddle and Randy Orton faced AJ Styles and Omos at the biggest party of the summer, and now they are Raw Tag Team Champion.

Click here for our complete coverage of WWE SummerSlam

Riddle and Orton had an entertaining story thus far. The Orginal Bro tried so hard to gain The Viper’s friendship, and he even ate an RKO in the process. Orton was able to remain focused as he teamed with Riddle at SummerSlam, and then he nailed an RKO on his opponent for the win instead.

AJ Styles took the pinfall and then RKBro celebrated in front of the Las Vegas crowd. It was a big moment for Matt Riddle as he is now 1/2 of the Raw Tag Team Champions with his best buddy Randy.


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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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