Randy Orton made his big return to Raw this week, but it wasn’t the best time for Riddle in the end. The Orginal Bro was very happy to have his RKBro tag team partner back, but The Viper is more of a solo act.

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Orton’s return opened this week’s episode of Raw, but he didn’t get to say much before Matt Riddle came out to greet his friend. Riddle was determined to pick up the RKBro team right where they left off. Orton tried to tell him that their team was finished.

The main event of the night saw Orton take on AJ Styles in singles action. The Viper won the match thanks to Riddle stopping Omos from interfering, but that celebration didn’t last long.


The team hugged in the middle of the ring and acted like they were going to celebrate. Then Orton nailed an RKO outta nowhere to lay out his partner. Raw ended this week with Orton looking down at Riddle, who he just laid out with a finisher.

We’ll have to see how this storyline progresses from here, but it seems that Riddle vs Orton is going to happen eventually.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: Randy Orton
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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