Chelsea Green really wants to experience a gruesome death… on screen. It doesn’t really matter how she dies, because Green just wants to get killed in a horror movie.

Plenty of pro wrestlers cut their teeth in acting, and getting killed in a horror movie is a nice way to add a credit to your resume. It could also help one work on their selling. Chelsea Green all about making the leap into horror so she can get killed.

I want to be killed in a horror movie. [knife emoji & blood emoji] I am willing it into existence!

AEW star Abadon chimed in and said: “I gotchu.” That might be something to worry about, because Abadon likely has something very interesting in mind for the former Hot Mess.


We’ll keep an eye out for Chelsea Green’s big horror movie debut. In the meantime, she’s very busy getting her name out there. Green also needs to worry about getting visa because, as a Canadian, she might not be able to stay in the United States for long.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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