WWE has come to terms with the release of Samoa Joe. He is part of the mass releases that went down today.

We first heard names of Wesley Blake, Tucker, Billie Kay, Mickie James, and Chelsea Green. Now Samoa Joe has been added to that list.

WWE’s official write-up on their website added Samoa Joe’s name to the list of releases, confirming his departure from the company. He was last seen at WrestleMania 37 where he was a part of the commentary team.

Joe was moved off of the commentary team and there was hope that he would make an in-ring return. That is not happening now. We will have to see where he ends up next.


Keep checking back with Ringside News as we continue monitoring this on-going situation.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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