Renee Young left WWE after SummerSlam, and she is now known as Renee Paquette professionally once again. A lot of fans are wondering if AEW is her destination.

A non-compete clause was attached to Paquette’s WWE departure. At this point, that 90-days has lapsed, but she hasn’t appeared for All Elite Wrestling. It is not out of the realm of possibility.

While speaking to Chris Van Vliet, Paquette opened up about the possibility of joining AEW, the same company her husband Jon Moxley went to after his own WWE exit.

“Yeah, maybe I’ll wrestle Brandi, and our kids will wrestle, who knows?” Paquette joked as he had a laugh. Paquette then explained that she doesn’t know if a pro wrestling gig is what she wants this soon after leaving WWE.


“That’s the thing too, you look at AEW and everything they’re doing is fantastic. I’m not saying that I wouldn’t do something there. I for sure would if the right thing came up, but it’s not the thing that I’m chasing down. I think my time in WWE was so great, and my time in wrestling has been so great, but I don’t want that to be the only thing I do. I don’t want to pigeonholed myself as just being the wrestling girl.”

“I’ll always have that in my wheelhouse, and I’ll always have that to lean on, but there are so many other things that I wanna do. I think that going right to work for another wrestling company would defeat my purpose of wanting to walk away.”

You never know what can happen in pro wrestling, and Renee Paquette is certainly accepted backstage in AEW if she wants to visit with Jon Moxley. She isn’t looking to make a jump to AEW right now, but she’s not totally rejecting the idea.

Paquette is also pregnant with her and Jon Moxley’s first child and working hard to secure great guests for her Oral Sessions podcast.

Transcription by Ringside News

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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