Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho’s Wrestle Kingdom match was an amazing undertaking, something unthought of since Jericho promised he would never wrestle outside of Vince McMahon’s company. Don Callis is to thank for that, but he didn’t do it for any immediate praise.

While speaking to Chris Van Vliet, Don Callis revealed why he set up Chris Jericho vs Kenny Omega in the Tokyo Dome. It took a lot of work, but he was able to pit his best friend against family so he could continue his mission in the pro wrestling business as the Invisible Hand.

“I called my best friend in the wrestling business of 30 years in the wrestling business, Chris Jericho and asked him to break every rule in the wrestling business about working for anyone except Vince McMahon. I asked him to break that rule to wrestle someone who was my family.”

“So, yes I pitted my best friend against a family member if you want to call it that, but in thinking way outside the box and working with Chris to facilitate that match, and what we had was the platform, which was the Tokyo Dome, and then we got to show people things can change and look what just happened. New Japan Pro Wrestling made millions of dollars off that match and you will never hear a thank you or acknowledgement for what I did for them.”


Don Callis said he’s not upset that NJPW didn’t give him credit. He did it for Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho. Callis then said that “the thank you is deserved by the universe that follows pro wrestling,” and not any specific company.

You can check out the interview below. He starts talking about this subject at around the 23-minute mark.

Transcription by Ringside News

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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