2020 is now behind us and everyone is hoping for a better 2021. Lacey Evans had some words of advice for those stepping into this new year.

The Lady of WWE posted on Instagram to give fans some encouragement as we all enter a new year. She said to “take no prisoners and don’t apologize.” This will be our year whether it wants it to be or not.

Attack it. Take no prisoners and Dont apologize. Keep your head up, your ears open and Never let a nasty bring you down.

We’ll have to see if Lacey Evans’ 2021 is better than her 2020. There was some hope that she would get a push last year, but that seemed to get put on the backburner.


2021 is a new year with fresh opportunities. Lacey Evans will continue fighting for the best, and she wants everyone else to do the same.

Happy New Year from everyone here at Ringside News!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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