Brodie Lee’s passing brought many dedications, and AEW only had so much time during their Celebration of Life. Now they are revealing even more dedications for Mr. Brodie Lee.

Click here for our complete coverage of AEW Dynamite from this week.

Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, Jerry Lynn, and Dustin Rhodes all sat down for testimonial tribute videos that didn’t make it on TNT this week. AEW released a video compilation of their interviews intercut with footage of Brodie Lee.

They spoke about how kind and athletic he was. Brodie Lee was one of a kind. Kazarian remembered of Brodie Lee “on his first day here, he looked so happy to be in AEW. He looked rejuvenated and he looked like he had a fire lit underneath him.”


Jerry Lynn said that the minute you lock up with someone in the ring you can tell how good they are, and how much you can trust them. Brodie Lee was a man who deserved all the trust in the world, and he excelled in his artform.

The tributes to Brodie Lee will likely continue for a long time to come. His passing hit the pro wrestling community in a huge way. His tribute t-shirt became the best seller of 2020 in less than four hours. That should also be concrete proof of how much he meant to so many.

You can check out the new tribute video below. RIP Brodie Lee.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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