WWE has a lot of great minds working in NXT to help cultivate Superstars of tomorrow. Trish Stratus is interested in helping out.

The Undertaker is also not opposed to the idea of working with NXT. He has spoken to Triple H about working something out.

While speaking to Women’s Wrestling Talk podcast. Trish Stratus said that she has been in contact with WWE Performance Center Head Coach Matt Bloom. She would love to help with NXT, but it would cause her to miss some valuable time at home with her family.

“I would love to. I love the idea of it. The reality is it comes with the road, right? And I just can’t do the road because of my family, at this point anyway. They’re young now. I have a three-year old and Max just turned 7. So at this point, I just couldn’t go back on the road like that and leave my family like that but yeah, I’d love to contribute in some way.”


“It was nice to go back those couple times and just work with the girls and see how their minds work and telling the art of storytelling and just working with Fit [Finlay] again, it got me stimulated and him and I were in like this little — we’re like Frit and Frat. We just have this little connection when we were working together, and we would literally come up with ideas the more we would — and we’d be like, ‘Yeah…’ You just have that with someone. So we had that and so I thought, ‘Man, we could put some good matches together.’ We would be like co-agenting probably.”

“We would be awesome but, yeah I would like to contribute in some way and I’ve talked to Matt Bloom, my former partner about possibly going to NXT. We’ve talked about it on a number of occasions. It’s just like never the right time has come about to do that but, I’d love to work with young minds and that was the best part about Tough Enough was just to work with these kids and that sort of thing so, yeah, for sure.

WWE could use someone like Trish Stratus around, even if she can only come in for special occasions. She has a lot of knowledge to impart, and a lot of those NXT Superstars would probably love having her around. It all depends on whether they can work things out with Trish Stratus’ life after WWE.

Thanks to Post Wrestling for the quote

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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