WWE has a problem with long-term booking, and they are not doing much to solve the dilemma. There are some very “loose ideas” for stars at the top of the roster, but nothing is confirmed.

Those loose ideas for top talent that Vince McMahon holds are the only tentative long-term plans he has even considered. They don’t even have a card in place for their December 20th TLC event.

Ringside News has learned that most talents aren’t give plans past that week. This is the reason why so many Superstars, like Lars Sullivan for example, will receive a focus and then remain absent on the next episode.

A current tenured member of the creative team with knowledge of the company’s operations confirmed that “most talents aren’t even given plans past this week.” We were explicitly given an example of “Otis and Chad [Gable] are not included in the plans that are discussed past this week.”


Please click here for our exclusive on Vince McMahon’s “loose” booking ideas for WrestleMania 37.

WWE’s stop/start pushes are not intentional, but they are a result of the company not making many plans past the current week. Vince McMahon only has a few certain people that he wants to book. Anyone else on the show is there for that week without an idea in mind for next week.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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