Matt Riddle was moved over to RAW during the WWE Draft. That also saw a name change, and what is reportedly supposed to be a serious character presentation. There are also a ton of stories about how much heat Matt Riddle has in the WWE locker room.

After the Draft’s first night concluded, Seth Rollins said he has no interest in wrestling Riddle. This led to stories coming out that paint very vivid picture of real heat between Riddle and Rollins.

While speaking to Sportskeeda, Matt Riddle opened up about the heat he has in the WWE locker room. He spoke with Vince McMahon about this, and he realizes that McMahon signs the checks, so it doesn’t matter what others think about him.

“I was in Vince McMahon’s office just three weeks ago, before this thing broke out. I was in headquarters talking to him – and, yeah, we mentioned the heat I have with certain people but, at the end of the day, he signs the checks, he makes it happen for me and they’re in control, not the talent.


“If employer’s happy and I can make them money and make them a profit, and I’m worth my weight and I’m pulling my weight, I don’t see a problem. To answer your question, yes, some people I have heat with. But most of it’s just high school, catty, ‘He said this’, people who just can’t take a joke or a work.”

Vince McMahon might sign Riddle’s paychecks, but it’s also important to not upset your coworkers too much. Pro wrestling can sometimes be a very political business and it’s never a good idea to rub someone the wrong way who could eventually get more of the boss’ ear than you have.

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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