Heath Slater was slated to win the Call Your Shot battle royal at Impact Wrestling’s Bound For Glory event. He was injured and taken out of the match. Luckily, the stipulation said that if either he or Rhino won then Heath was awarded an Impact contract. There was some concern about his injury, but now we have an update.

Click here for our complete coverage of Impact Wrestling’s Bound For Glory.

Heath updated fans with an Instagram post. He was told by two doctors that he suffered a hernia, but then after going to a hernia specialist he received different news.

The former One Man Band suffered a “partially torn abductor muscle” which was torn off the bone. The good news is that surgery is not needed. The bad news is that Heath is in a world of pain right now.


This is the moment I knew I was screwed. After two doctors telling me that my injury was a severe inguinal hernia, I made an appointment with a hernia specialist.
OFFICIAL DIAGNOSIS: partially torn abductor muscle (from the bone) and a slight tear in my groin.
RECOVERY: luckily no surgery, just gotta suck it up and deal with the pain for a while. Lots of rest, ice, physical therapy (I’m coming for you

This is just a painful bump in the road as Heath continues on. He’s not finished yet by a long shot. Now that he is officially with Impact Wrestling he can continue establishing his name after WWE. We’re all still pulling for him to return to Vince McMahon’s company and win the World Title, thus fulfilling the 3MB prophecy.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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