WWE’s NXT brand saw a COVID-19 outbreak, and it caused them to make some big changes. The Gauntlet Eliminator match was switched around, but there is some worry that WWE didn’t send enough people home to be 100% safe.

Click here for our complete coverage of WWE NXT from this week.

During the Living The Gimmick podcast, Jon Alba stated that there is some concern within NXT about Superstars who were not sent home. There was apparently contact with Superstars who tested positive, but due to WWE’s secretive contact tracing system it’s unclear how the company dealt with the situation.

“Here’s what there’s some concern about, [it] is that some of the people who may have come in contact with the individuals that are sick weren’t necessarily sent home, at least that’s what some of the concern is. I cannot confirm or not whether they have been sent home because I don’t know how their contact tracing system works, but there was some worry about there.”


The Performance Center students might need to be tested much more often, especially if they are expected to be together on a frequent basis. The coronavirus situation has not gotten any better in America, in fact, cases like this prove that it’s still a big problem.

Transcription by Ringside News

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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