WWE has a lot of Superstars in NXT who are ready to go. That doesn’t mean that the main roster is ready for them even if they get called up.

Ringside News has learned that Chelsea Green was actually called up by Paul Heyman in December. She wasn’t used at the time, but there were rumors swirling that she could be a mainstay on the main roster following appearances on Raw, SmackDown, and Main Event.

Green isn’t alone in the group of NXT Superstar who were called up, but not used yet. Dominik Dijakovic and Arturo Ruas were also called up along with “some others.”

The “others” possibly referred to Brendan Vink and Shane Thorne. We exclusively previously reported that the idea for their involvement on the main roster was dropped when Paul Heyman left his position on Raw.


Additionally, it was told to us that Chelsea Green was sent back to NXT so she could work with Robert Stone and get more experience. Then she was called up once again along with the others who have yet to make their official debuts on the main roster.

Things are a bit cloudy when it comes to WWE’s plans. As of this writing, there doesn’t seem to be any direction for the NXT Superstars currently stuck in “limbo.” Dominik Dijakovic’s recent return to NXT also adds an interesting element to this story.

Tags: Paul Heyman
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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