WWE Backstage is no more. Renee Young lost her show and tested positive for coronavirus in the same week. This was not a very good time for her, but she is receiving plenty of support.

Young’s announcement that she is positive for COVID-19 brought a lot of reactions throughout the pro wrestling world. More WWE employees, Superstars, and staff could announce positive tests as well. Renee Young is not alone because the company discovered several positive tests.

When CM Punk saw the revelation from Renee Young that she is positive for COVID-19, he sent out a tweet asking: “Oh how could this have happened?” He also included a “hug” animated gif with someone in a Hazmat suit.

Renee Young was reportedly sick and lost her sense of taste. Jon Moxley has yet to test positive for the novel coronavirus, but he also realizes that he could have it, but not test positive yet.


You can check out some reactions to Renee Young’s announcement below. She has plenty of love and support. We’re hoping for the best.

Tags: CM Punk
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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