Fans and Superstars are in isolation during this time while we wait for current world events to hopefully subside. Social media personality and former adult actress Mia Khalifa recently had to make the most of her situation and pour a big bowl of Boot-O’s.

WWE put The New Day’s cereal on the shelves for a bit. Some boxes came with a limited edition t-shirt in the packaging. It looks like Khalifa just got the standard box.

Mia Khalifa uploaded a video on her Instagram story showing off her bowl of Booty-O’s. Big E saw this video and tweeted it out with a caption saying: “Booty O’s are approved by 4 out of 5 dentists & @miakhalifa!”

Mia Khalifa replied to Big E’s tweet and she expressed interest in contacting customer support.


I have eaten a bowl every day this week and seen so substantial improvement in my sad small booty. Please advise how to best reach customer support.

Big E replied to Mia K: “It looks like our long search to head our ad campaign is finally over!”

You never know what you’ll end up eating in isolation. Mia Khalifa apparently found herself becoming a fan of Booty-O’s.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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