Tampa really wanted the economic injection that WrestleMania 36 was certain to bring. They did not want the spread of the coronavirus. Now the show of shows has a new home.

Rob Higgins of the Tampa Bay Local Organizing Committee released a statement. They waited 36 years to host the show of shows. Then that was taken away from them. He then thanked all of their local leaders and WWE for working on a partnership that has never been stronger.

“Our community has waited 36 years to host WrestleMania and while we are saddened that this unforeseen situation has led us to today’s announcement, this is totally the right call for the security and safety of everyone involved. A huge thank you to all our local leaders and our friends at WWE, as we collectively worked through the unprecedented fluidity of the last few weeks. The Tampa Bay-WWE partnership has never been stronger.”

It is good that he addressed WWE’s relationship with Tampa. There was some concern that this situation might have stressed the status between the two sides.


WWE might not even be allowed to hold WrestleMania on closed set when everything is said and done.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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