Welcome to Ringside News’ coverage of WWE NXT this week. We’ll get started at 8:00 PM EST when things get started.

Tonight’s NXT will be a special edition of the show. A fan appreciation night is slated for the WWE Performance Center.

NXT has a few weeks to plan for NXT TakeOver: Tampa on April 4th. The news just broke that Tampa is still planning to allow WrestleMania to proceed as scheduled.

You can click here for detailed run-down on what to expect.


We’ll have two title matches and Dakota Kai vs Mia Yim was also added to the show. Check out a bullet point list of what to expect below:

  • Keith Lee defends the NXT North American Championship against Cameron Grimes
  • The BroserWeights defend the NXT Tag Team Titles against Undisputed ERA
  • How will Adam Cole react to The Velveteen Dream’s actions?
  • What does Johnny Gargano have planned for Tommaso Ciampa?

Recap video from last week was played. They’re in the WWE PC this week because Full Sail was already booked for a Hall Of Fame deal they do every year.

NXT North American Title

Keith Lee vs Cameron Grimes

They got off to a slower start while they felt each other out and people chanted “Keith Lee.” Lee showed his power and kept pushing Grimes away.

Cameron kept coming at Lee and trying to lift him up. They made their way outside and then Grimes kicked Lee as they were coming back in and he hit a somersault flip off the apron.

Grimes avoided being powerbombed and then Lee caught him off a dive and clotheslined him off the apron. Grimes hit a crossbody off the top and Lee wouldn’t let the pin happen as commercial started.

Later on, Grimes tried to suplex Lee, but it didn’t work. Then Lee nailed a cross body block that took them both out. Grimes nailed some superkicks and a suplex for a two count.

Grimes nailed a DDT for a two count he hit another superkick. Then Keith Lee nailed his finisher and won.

Winner: Keith Lee

As Keith Lee was celebrating, Damian Priest hit him with a pipe. Then Dominik Dijakovic showed up and ran Priest off. After that, Keith Lee hit Dijakovic with a spirit bomb.

Mia Yim vs Dakota Kai

Winner of this one gets in the big ladder match at TakeOver: Tampa.

The got started quick with some fast roll-up pins for two counts.

Raquel Gonzalez was at ringside as these two fought on. Yim was taken off the apron and dropped on her face as they went to commercial.

Kai and Yim got to their feet and Yim hit a couple of clotheslines. Then she dropkicked her into the corner and hit a cannonball.

Kai hit a devastating back move and got a two count. Dakota Kai wasn’t happy at all. Then Kai started kicking Yim in the face. Yim dodged a kick and got a roll up for a two count. Yim ducked under a running kick to the corner and powerbombed her down, but Gonzalez caused a break of the count and then he kicked her out of ringside.

Yim hit a Codebreaker and won.

Winner: Mia Yim

Then Gonzalez got in the ring and destroyed Yim. Mia Yim got a bunch of chants as she left.

Tommaso Ciampa was shown arriving. He didn’t want to talk.

Kushisa vs Raul MENDOZA

They got started and eventually made their way out of the ring for a bit. This was a fast paced match as they return to the inside and Mendoza hit a brainbuster and a flipping splash for a two count.

Kushida his some forearms and a chop before landing a back elbow and a kick. Mendoza shook off a DDT attempt, but Kushida landed a dropkick to end the sequence.

They continued on and Kushida eventually caught him with an armbar and got the submission win.

Winner: Kushida

Tyler Breeze was doing an interview. Then Austin Theory walked up and implied that Breeze is old. Theory said that some people don’t pan out to being a Superstar. Breeze took a photo of him and said he looks great for a flash in the pan.

Rhea Ripley

She cut a promo on Charlotte Flair trying to psyche her out before Mania. Rhea said she feels the pressure, but knocking the Queen on her royal ass gets her through it.

Then Charlotte Flair came out. “You don’t go here chants” started. Flair said “I made here.” She told the fans to shut up and sit down. “Go back to Raw” chants started.

Flair barreled through. She said it’s WrestleMania and it’s not about the stadium or the 80,000 people chanting her name. She said that Rhea won’t be able to handle her at Mania.

Flair is going to drown the fastest rising star in WWE and there’s not a damn thing she can do about it. Then Ripley tackled Charlotte. Flair got the upperhand and “go back to Raw” chants started.

Ripley fought back and Flair dragged her out of the ring and wrapped her leg around a ring post. Then she did a figure 4 around the post on Rhea.

Tegan Nox vs Deonna Purrazzo

The winner of this match gets in the ladder match at TakeOver: Tampa.

They trade forearm shots and then Tegan was sent to the mat shoulder-first. Deonna drove her into the turnbuckle and then Nox was sent back down for a two count.

Nox landed an elbow and then Purrazzo got up her knees on a cannonball and landed a bicycle kick for a tow count. Purrazzo locked Nox in an armbar and she got out.

Then Nox nailed the Shiniest Wizard for the win.

Winner: Tegan Nox

BroserWeights vs Undisputed Era

NXT Tag Team Title Match

Velveteen Dream cut a promo from the balcony above the NXT PC ring. This was directed at Adam Cole and the NXT Championship. Cole said that Dream hasn’t earned an NXT Title shot. He said next week he’ll have a celebration because he will officially become the longest-reigning NXT Champion of all time.

Riddle and Dunne came out and the match got started.

There were chants of “Riddle’s gonna smoke you.” Dunne and Riddle hit stereo gut-wrench suplexes as they went to commercial.

They continued and Matt Riddle maintained control over Kyle with some kicks. Then Kyle stopped him and they traded forearms. Riddle went to the apron and was eventually kicked off and bounced off the barricade.

Then Fish beat him down a bit before throwing him back in. Riddle took some punishment and sold a bit after that. UE tagged in and out hitting double team moves in the process but nothing worked to keep Riddle down.

Riddle tagged Dunne and he started to rally. Dunne took out Kyle’s knee and tried a couple submissions, but Kyle got to the ropes and rolled out of the ring. Then Riddle nailed a dive on the entire Undisputed Era.

Dunne faked an attack from Cole and Riddle backed him up saying it was a Superkick. So, the referee threw Cole out.

The BroserWeights turned up the heat. Riddle hit plenty of running knees and a brainbuster for a two count. Pete Dunne took the tag and then the UE went for stereo German suplexes, but Dunne and Riddle landed on their feet and landed kicks.

Then Kyle turned Dunne inside out with a clothesline off the ropes. Riddle and Fish took tags and then Matt landed a ripcord knee strike. He tried to German Suplex Fish, O’Reilly got the tag and he hit a knee off the top for a two count.

The rest of the UE tried to get involve again, but they were kicked out. Then Pete Dunne continued his advantage until Fish hit a dragon screw through the ropes.

They continued on and the Grizzled Young Veterans ran down to get involved in the match. They were eventually taken care of.

After a knee from Riddle, Dunne hit his finisher off a Fireman’s Carry and won the match.

Winners: The BroserWeights

The Grizzled Young Veterans Don’t seem very happy at ringside.

Closing Segment

Ciampa and Gargano are fighting backstage and Gargano goes into the wall and over a table. Gargano threw office supplies at Ciampa and Ciampa hit Gargano with a poster.

Security tried to stop them, but the brawl continued on. They went to the arena and eventually went to the crow’s nest area. Then Ciampa nailed Gargano with a Air Raid Crash off the balcony through the announce table.

William Regal came out and surveyed the damage.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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