WWE is always looking to gain interest from younger fans. Now they are targeting those fans with children to find out if they’re watching the product.

The WWE Fan Council recently sent out a new survey. The intentions of this survey was to gauge interest in younger fans who might live in the household with adult fans.

WWE is interested in finding out more about WWE engagement and interest for a child in your household. When it applies, we would like to have the child answer the questions in this study.

They asked: “Who are the other members of your household who are WWE Fans?” This was followed by a question asking the amount WWE programming younger fans in the household watch.


It was a very quick survey and it got right to the point. They obviously want to know what kids are watching.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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