Matt Riddle might have some big fans in NXT. That doesn’t seem to carry over into the WWE main roster locker room.

Randy Orton recently said: “F*ck off” in regards to the King Of Bros. When Riddle realized he got a vulgar shout-out from The Viper he formulated his own unique reply.

I woke up at the crack of noon today and saw this, and I all I could think was “Randy is the Coolest! Also don’t smash my head with a chair bro

Randy Orton’s negative opinions of Matt Riddle don’t change how the Original Bro feels about him. He’s totally cool with Randy Orton as long as RKO doesn’t throw a conchairto his way.

Tags: Randy Orton
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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