MJF and Cody Rhodes have a big show-down scheduled for AEW Revolution on February 29th. The American Nightmare must beat Wardlow in a steel cage match first, but MJF is ready. He’s also not afraid to verbally cut Cody down.

While speaking to Bleacher Report, MJF described how Cody Rhodes really is. He puts forth a big image, but in the end he’s a weak man attempting to be a puppet master over everyone’s life around him.

“He’s almost Wizard of Oz-esque. You have this big bad wizard, but when they pulled back the curtain, there was just this tiny little feeble, weak man who was trying to puppeteer everybody’s lives for the betterment of his own good and only his own good. That’s Cody.”

“There’s a reason why after I kicked that no good son of a bitch Cody Rhodes in the nuts that there was a huge smile on my face. It’s because what happened was a thousand million pounds of weight got completely lifted off my shoulders. Because I had to follow this guy around and be his glorified hype man for way too long.”

“And I allowed that to happen because I thought that man cared about me, which he did not. When I broke the chains of slavery and kicked him square in the balls and it felt so good, Jon. Oh my God. It felt so good.”

MJF needs to be ready for a war at Revolution. He cost Cody Rhodes the opportunity to ever challenge for the AEW World Title again. There is a lot at stake, but MJF still appears to have some issues to settle with Cody as well.

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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