CM Punk, Renee Young, Becky Lynch and Paige proceeded through the door backstage at WWE Backstage. Paige said: “We’re back, bitches” after CM Punk gave a thumbs up.

Ryback saw this video on Renee Young’s Instagram and he took the opportunity to throw a shot at CM Punk by commenting with: “4 bad ass bitches.”

There were three females in that video and CM Punk. Basic math would show that Ryback might have been calling CM Punk a “bad ass bitch.”

CM Punk threw some shade about Ryback working still years ago when he first left WWE. Perhaps The Big Guy hasn’t gotten over what Punk said on The Art Of Wrestling podcast.


Tags: CM Punk
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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